
Both parties in a mentoring relationship have an important role to play.  Below you will find resources to help you make the most of the mentoring programme.

Mentee Guide

The Mentee guide has been created to support Mentees involved in the West Yorkshire CIPD Branch Mentoring Programme. It aims to be a simple yet effective set of resources to support those taking on the role of Mentees in a Mentoring relationship.

West Yorkshire Mentee Guide

Mentor Guide

The Mentor has been created to support Mentors involved in the West Yorkshire CIPD Branch Mentoring Programme. Along with a guide to the mentoring programme, it contains a number of skills development resources to assist you in your journey as a Mentor.
West Yorkshire Mentor Guide

Mentoring Forms

These forms are to help you plan and review meetings with your mentee and to set out any actions you agree.  The most important document is the agreement.  This is the framework and guidelines, you and your mentee agree to work within.  The forms are for your personal use and are not required by the Branch